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A South Texas Lawyer Helping You Fight
DWI Charges

Are you facing an arrest for a DWI in South Texas? When you’re accused of driving while intoxicated, it can seem as though the odds are stacked against you and that arresting officers will have the last word – but it doesn't have to be that way, and you don’t have to face DWI charges alone.

For nearly 20 years, attorney Ira Z. Miller has helped clients just like you fight back against unjust or unfair DWI charges, uncover evidence that radically changes outcomes, and help protect Texans' reputation and rights.

With a proven record representing clients in DWI defense, divorce cases, and child custody disputes, Attorney Ira Miller has the focus, experience, and compassion for his clients to ensure they get excellent, tailored legal help when they need it most.

Primary Practice Areas

Icon of a steering wheel and bottle representing DWI legal services - Law Office of Ira Z. Miller


It is urgent you contact a qualified attorney within a few days of your arrest so the attorney may begin making an effective defense and challenge the suspension of your driver's license.

Icon of a gavel symbolizing divorce legal services - Law Office of Ira Z. Miller


With the Law Office of Ira Z. Miller, you will receive dedicated representation throughout the legal proceedings.

Icon of a family representing child custody legal services - Law Office of Ira Z. Miller

Child Custody

It is important to to hire a qualified attorney to help develop a visitation schedule that ensures the child's well being and maintains a healthy parent-child relationship with both parents.

What Are The Consequences Of A DWI In Texas?

Texas has some uniquely strict DWI laws, and even a first offense could see you facing serious fines and even jail time. The severity of your punishment if convicted rests, to a great extent, with the judge who hands down your sentence. As a result, fighting your DWI charge with practiced legal help is incredibly important.

What might the consequences be if convicted?

First Conviction: A first conviction for a DWI in Texas could see you facing jail time of up to six months and potential maximum fines of up to $2,000. You could also lose your license for anywhere from 90 days to 12 months.

If your blood alcohol concentration is a 0.15 or greater then the range of punishment is increased to up to one year and jail and a fine not to exceed $4000.00.

Second Conviction: A second conviction for DWI in Texas could see you facing 30 days to 12 months in jail, along with fines of up to $4,000. What’s more, you could lose your license for 180 days to two years.

Third Conviction: A third conviction could bring with it two to 10 years in jail, up to $10,000 in fines and see you losing your license for 180 days to two years.

These consequences will almost certainly impact your time with your family, your career prospects, and your independence. Being able to drive is, for most people, one of the necessities of everyday life, and many employers will view a DWI conviction as a strike against you, no matter how skilled you are.

How Can I Fight Against DWI Charges?

A knowledgeable, attentive attorney can make all the difference in your DWI case. Let local attorney Ira Miller review the details of your arrest and seek out information, evidence, and seemingly minor points that could drastically change your outcomes for the better.

Examining Evidence: If the police claim that weaving, failure to stop at a stop sign, or other actions led to the initial stop, dashcam footage, bodycam footage, and other video evidence may contradict this claim. This evidence can refute the police’s claims to have probable cause to make the stop to begin with.

Questioning Field Sobriety Tests: Field sobriety tests are used to observe balance, eye focus, and your ability to follow instructions. However, these tests can be incredibly easy to fail, even when sober. Nervousness and tiredness can also impact the results, and an attorney can help argue these points in your defense.

Questioning Breathalyzer Test Results: The machine used to test your breath for alcohol can sometimes be faulty and show inaccurately high results. A DWI defense attorney can look into the accuracy record of the device used on you to question results and their meaning.

Here's What to Do If You Get Pulled Over

Frequently Asked Questions

A: In some cases, yes. A 3rd DWI, a DWI while you have a child in the car, and injuries or death resulting from your DWI can all result in felony charges. If convicted, consequences can include time in state jail or prison, fines in the thousands of dollars, and the loss of one’s license.

Make sure you have the right representation when facing complex DWI charges; allow attorney Ira Miller to represent your cause, examine all evidence, and fight for your rights and driving privileges.
A: An uncontested divorce is a divorce wherein both parties have agreed together on all major points of the divorce, including the distribution of assets, child custody arrangements, child support and post-divorce living arrangements. These divorces are often much simpler and faster than contested divorces.
A: A DWI case progresses in several stages. The first step is for you and your attorney to request an administrative license revocation hearing from the Department of Public Safety within 15 days of your arrest. Your attorney will obtain and review the police report with you.

The next step is the hearing itself, which will be in-person when you work with the Law Office of Ira Z. Miller, P.C. The hearing may be followed by a petition for a restricted license if your hearing results in a license suspension.

Next, discovery is requested from the prosecuting attorney; this evidence will be reviewed with you over several meetings where a strategy for your case will be developed. Plea negotiations will then be entered into with prosecution. If these negotiations are not successful, you and your attorney may choose to head to trial.

Professional Associations & Organizations

The Impact Of A Criminal Record On Your
Child Custody In Texas

DWI and its legal consequences in Texas - Law Office of Ira Z. Miller

A criminal record can be difficult to defend against in child custody hearings, but attorney Ira Miller has ample experience with both criminal defense and family law. We’ll work hard to examine your record, find meaningful and clear answers to the other party’s accusations, and help a judge understand the context of your conviction and your strengths as a parent.

If you’re a parent facing DWI charges, make sure to get in touch with the Law Office of Ira Z. Miller. We can work proactively to fight unjust or excessive charges, ideally seeing them lessened or dropped.

Without a conviction, any future child custody issues become easier to navigate. The right representation can help you get the help you need and the legal advocacy you deserve.

Don't Let That DWI Take You Away From Your Family. Talk To A DWI Lawyer Today.
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