Call Us To Schedule Your Initial Strategy Session Today! (361) 344-4811

Child custody discussion with lawyer and family - Law Office of Ira Z. Miller


No matter what situation made you a parent, I am sure you did not go into it thinking you were going to be involved in a child custody dispute. We understand the last thing you probably want to be doing is going through litigation over how your child should be raised. We believe the most important issue in every child custody case is developing an effective parenting plan that will be in the best interest of your child. This can only be done with a thorough understanding of all of the issues involved.

Throughout the legal process, we will sit down and discuss different parenting plans and legal strategies that best you and your family. It is important to have a veteran attorney who is versed in Family Law to help you through this process. Ira Miller has had lots of success for clients over the years in developing legal strategies that best fit his client's situations. We do this through our client-centric approach in which we understand no two custody cases are the same and each one deserves a unique approach to obtain the best results for our clients and their


An unfortunate issue related to divorce or the ending of a relationship often involves determining where
the child or children will live. This involves deciding upon items including:

  • What type of familial contact the child has with both parents
  • Who does the child reside with primarily?
  • Who has custodial or possessory rights to the child - child conservator
  • Who has the right to make education, religion, and medical decisions related to the child
  • Who has ongoing support payments or requirements?
  • What are the specifics of the child custody provisions?
  • Are there issues of enforcement needed for visitation rights

Find The Best Texas Custody Arrangement For Your Family

Call the Law Office of Ira Z. Miller, P.C. at (361) 344-4811 to schedule a strategy session where we will discuss your child custody case.

For More Information

  • Click here to learn more about enforcing a child visitation order.
Call us to schedule your initial strategy session today at (361) 344-4811 - IZM logo - Law Office of Ira Z. Miller

Call Us To Schedule Your Initial
Strategy Session Today!
(361) 344-4811

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