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  • By: Ira Miller, Esq.
Glass of alcohol, car key, and handcuffs on fingerprint sheet, symbolizing DWI Conviction - Law Office of Ira Z. Miller

A DWI Conviction Stays On Your Record For Life

A DWI conviction can have lasting consequences, as it stays on your record permanently. This is why it’s so important to treat DWI charges seriously and fight them with every available option. While it’s possible in rare cases to get a non-disclosure order to seal parts of your record, the conviction itself remains visible and can impact your life indefinitely.

Once on your record, a DWI will show up on background checks for the rest of your life, which can make finding future employment difficult and could even put your current job at risk.

Will Your Employer Be Notified Of A DWI Conviction?

In most cases, your employer won’t automatically be informed of your DWI arrest or conviction. However, if you work in certain fields—like law enforcement or corrections—they’ll be notified, as those roles require disclosure. Some employers also have contracts requiring employees to report any arrests or convictions.

Even if you aren’t required to disclose a DWI, it’s still possible for an employer to find out unintentionally. For example, if a family member calls your workplace to explain why you might miss a day while you’re waiting on bail, the employer may pick up on the situation even if the caller tries to stay vague. Since Texas employment laws allow a lot of flexibility in hiring and firing, even accidental disclosure could affect your job.

Because a DWI can have such long-term effects, it’s crucial to approach these charges with a proactive defense to protect your future and career.

Why You Can Legally Be Fired For A DWI In Texas

Texas is an at-will employment state, which means employers can terminate employment for almost any reason. This can include a DWI arrest or conviction. From the moment we begin defending a client against a DWI charge, one of our primary concerns is how the arrest could impact their current job, future employment, and overall professional reputation.

We take time early in the process to understand all areas of your life that could be affected by a conviction, including both professional and personal aspects. We’ll ask about any state-regulated licenses you may hold that could be at risk, as well as any potential child custody situations where a DWI conviction could play a role. Knowing these details up front allows us to better protect your interests and help you make informed decisions about your defense.

The Fines, Fees, And Insurance Costs Associated With A DWI

A DWI conviction also comes with substantial financial consequences. For a first-time Class B misdemeanor DWI, fines can reach up to $2,000. A Class A misdemeanor DWI can carry fines as high as $4,000, while a third offense or more becomes a felony with fines up to $10,000.

Beyond these fines, there are additional ongoing costs. After a DWI conviction, your insurance premiums will almost certainly increase, adding further monthly expenses that can strain your finances long after the case is closed.

Still Have Questions? Ready To Get Started?

For more information on The Consequences Of A DWI Conviction, an initial strategy session is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (361) 344-4811 today.

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